ఆ ఆరవయ్యి ఏళ్లు వెనక్కి తిప్పగలిగితే??
(if u can turn back those 60 years of time??)
How similar and how different you want the happenings to be from then on??
Bhopal gas tragedy... white revolution.. Gujarat quakes.. Pokhran tests.. Ayodhya.. China war.. world cup 1983.... green revolution.. emergency.. tsunami... Kargil war.. world cup 2007.. economic liberalization.. bombay riots.. .. assassinations.. software revolution.. the partition.. .. .. ..
You liked the song sung by time??
What if you were to write the saahithyam for the desha raagam??
♫ జన காண ಮನ.... ♪
ya.. obviously wud like a lot of things changed... in the past 60yrs.. but i guess i wud want a lot more changes in the 250-300 years before that...
n agree with Rini.. u r a great word juggler..9-level ra..
even more than that.. i want to strive.. to contribute to the positive change.. that we expect in the future..
wer d hell did u manage to get such a pic ..ur damnn...good...
"You liked the song sung by time? " WOW! that was too good!
What has happened no one change but the future seems bleak becoz of the past we have lived through..choices we made have led to where we are today.. I just hope we live a lil longer without killing each other off..
thnx all.. yea punch.. but as a nation it wasnt there b4.. isnt it.. it was jus patches of kingdoms..
n the pic.. 3 members frm my wardrobe and my cap .. :P.. and though its showing 9 in the pic.. aim was to show 60 upside down..(" can turn back 60 yrs.." bla bla.. ) n the cam is the one on uc's mobile.. :)
n yea Rini.. the last thing we wanna do is killing each other..
awesome pic....which speaks everything.
its IF only we could turn back time ... but its what we CAN do with the wheel of time moving forward :)
btw nice way of expression of thoughts :)
" i never see what has been done , i only see what remains to be done "
-gautam budha
well great posts ... India at 60 is now more mature and experienced .. from its successes and mistakes .... but the real question i feel is ..... where do we go from here ?
gr8 post!!!
song of time.... hmm.... nice one...desa ragam saripotunda deeniki.. anyways.... wandarpul post.... ala ela rastavu ra baabu..... u missed ou many other things,,,,, aa paata complete ga vinnava aslu????
thnks all :) @ dharu.. which one?? .. Baje Sargam?? if tht.. i did.. N times..!
naice ! cool pic ! 60 years, i would like to change a lot of things .. so many mistakes ... so much loss ... but at the same tym, positives have not been negligible,would just like to amplify it in the future ....
small, but thought provoking post
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