every third person: ur lucky no.??
plain thinkers: ur bday on 9th??(and other such q's)
fgot who: planned sumtin for 2k9??
bachi: ur height..??
shakee: ur crush's lucky no. or the no. of crushes u have or may be she... ..!!????
kush kar: ur dream gpa??
octavia: ur A.I.R??
hacta gatee: mathmatical magic??
rupee: y not 10 or 8??
an old fren(also a fren who is old): according to Indian sculptures it corresponds to lord Brahma...!!
arghh : to b placed high wen arranged in alpbtcal order?? (then i wud vry well go for 1 or sum other char.. )
and and and...
well.. wat if i say.."jus lik tht!!!" .. :P
but u may try this.. sometimes u may end up knowin wat pple think of u or how they usually think.. !!
damm: seen tht mr.9? all our 9 coins on board.. boku!!
vandith: 9.. u wud get bday bumps atleast 9 times a sem!!
ringo: thu u!! nick on dc also 9!! !@#$ wid 9..
nitin: asalu 9!!(kind of callin sumone phodu bla bla..)
alls fine.. wid 9..
(jus came across it.. cos of punch.. and thot i'd add this today.. i mean 21st of april..
Douglas Adams was asked many times during his career why he chose the number forty-two. Many theories were proposed, but he rejected them all. On November 3, 1993, he gave an answer on alt.fan.douglas-adams:
- The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke. It had to be a number, an ordinary, smallish number, and I chose that one. Binary representations, base thirteen, Tibetan monks are all complete nonsense. I sat at my desk, stared into the garden and thought '42 will do.' I typed it out. End of story.